
Physician/Provider Needs Assessments & Medical Staff Development Plans

Our team has assisted hospitals with medical staff development planning and physician/provider needs assessments for over 20 years.

We work with hospital systems, independent hospitals and other entities to assess the following:

  • Community needs (supply/demand) for providers within urban and rural settings. This includes “Stark Compliance” evaluations. We can assess over 50 adult subspecialties and 20 pediatric subspecialties.
  • Competitive physician alignment (how do we “stack up” against the competition?).
  • Internal organizational needs based on access, subspecialty gaps and deficiencies, ambulatory site needs, succession planning and other strategic drivers.
  • Use of physicians versus APPs/mid-levels.
  • Primary care models.
  • Potential impacts to provider needs (e.g. anticipated changes in service lines, impact of virtual health)
  • Future recruitment planning (2-3 year window).

Key Elements

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